How this all goes down:
Jan. 29, 2014 -- Saw OB/Gyn about a small mass I found over the holidays
Feb. 5 -- Ultrasound & mammogram
Feb. 6 -- Biopsy with breast surgeon
Feb. 7 -- It's cancer. Sh*t.
Feb. 13 -- Test results: ER/PR +, Grade 1 tumor (good news)
Feb. 19 -- First meeting with Onocolgist
Feb. 25 -- Test results: BRCA1 & 2 negative, Her2 negative (good news)
Feb. 27 -- First meeting with Plastic Surgeon
Feb. 28 -- 36th Birthday
Mar. 3 -- Bilateral mastectomy scheduled for Apr. 2
Mar. 13 -- Pre-op with breast surgeon
Mar. 14 -- Surgery rescheduled for Apr. 8
Mar. 17 -- Test results: Oncotype DX score - 8 (great news!)
Mar. 24 -- Appt. w/Oncologist
Mar. 25 -- Anesthesia pre-op
Mar. 27 -- Plastic surgery pre-op
Apr. 8 -- Bilateral mastectomy with expanders for reconstruction
Apr. 10 -- Released from hospital
Apr. 15 -- Follow-up with breast surgeon; final pathology report: scattered DCIS in right breast, lymph nodes clean!
Apr. 17 -- Follow-up with plastic surgeon; drains removed
Apr. 20 -- Easter
Apr. 21 -- Follow-up with oncologist; Rx for Tamoxifen (and Coumadin)
Apr. 21 -- Plastic surgeon; first expansion (250 cc to 325 cc)
Apr. 24 -- INR (clotting level) check; Coumadin at 5 mg
Apr. 28 -- INR check; Coumadin to 1 mg, begin Tamoxifen
Apr. 29 -- Plastic surgeon; second expansion (325 cc to 400 cc)
May 2 -- INR check; Coumadin to 2 mg
May 5 -- INR check; Coumadin to 3 mg
May 9 -- INR check
May 11 -- Mother's Day
May 13 -- Plastic surgeon; third expansion (400 cc to 450 cc)
May 14 -- INR check; hold med 15th, Coumadin to 2 mg on 16th
May 15 -- SJ turns 4 yrs!
May 18 -- 12th Anniversary!
May 19 -- Appt. w/oncologist; INR check
May 22 -- Plastic surgeon; fourth expansion (450 cc to 500 cc)
May 23 -- INR check
May 29 -- INR check; stable at 2 mg Coumadin
June 3 -- Plastic surgeon; fifth expansion (500 cc to 550 cc), last fill!
June 10 -- INR check
June 11 -- OB/Gyn, discuss Mirena IUD removal (because it emits estrogen)
June 16 -- Plastic surgeon, no more fills, set exchange surgery date
June 24 -- INR check
June 24 -- Plastic surgeon, pain in left pec. muscle
June 28 -- Aqua Zumba with other BC people, first time to call myself a "Survivor"
June 29 - July 5 -- **First week since Jan. 29 with no appointments!**
July 7 -- INR check
July 28 -- INR check
Aug. 5 -- Plastic surgeon, pre-op appt
Aug. 13 -- Stop Tamoxifen & Coumadin in prep for surgery
Aug. 18 -- Follow-up with Oncologist
Aug. 25 -- CB starts 3rd grade!
Aug. 27 -- Exchange surgery
Sept. 2 -- Follow-up with plastic surgeon
Sept. 3 -- Restart Tamoxifen & Coumadin
Sept. 9 -- INR check
Sept. 23 -- Follow-up with plastic surgeon
Oct. 4 -- First Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure as a Survivor
Oct. 21 -- First time to speak publicly about my experience
Oct. 22 -- Follow-up w/breast surgeon
Oct. 23 -- Follow-up with plastic surgeon
Nov. 19 -- INR check
Dec. 17 -- INR check
Jan. 12, 2015 -- Follow-up w/Oncologist